Browsing the "AMCN Twisty Bits" Category

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on March 2nd, 2016 | by Boris

Did anyone else giggle like a little girl when they heard Victoria’s chief commissioner of police, Graham ‘Where’s My Concentration?’ Ashton was nailed for 108km/h in a 100 zone? I did. In fact, I sounded more... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on March 1st, 2016 | by Boris

My testicles, as you can imagine, are important to me. They still function remarkably well, remain cancer-free, and help to handsomely fill out my underpants without the aid of rolled-up socks. I am, in every sense... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on January 8th, 2016 | by Boris

Did you miss me? I’m only asking out of politeness, because the field where I grow all the rats’ arses I give about your concerns remains as barren as ever. But it’s been a while since... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on March 20th, 2015 | by Boris

Have you ever felt more alive than shortly after you’ve almost died? When every fibre of your love-handled being crackles and thrums with affirmed life, and all the world’s colours are suddenly brighter? Fluffy endogenous opioids... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on February 5th, 2014 | by Boris

I’m all for you wearing fluoro vests. The more fluoro-ey the better, I reckon. I would even encourage you to get pants, helmets and gloves to match. And no, painting your bike neon orange is not a bridge too far. It is the logical extension... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on November 25th, 2013 | by Boris

It seems like a type of paranoid dumbness has gripped our masters of late. I am concerned that the amount of tongue-drool left upon the windows of the Queensland parliament will never wash off. I know... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on August 25th, 2013 | by Boris

Once upon a time, I carried a tool roll on my motorcycle. This tool roll contained many useful items. It had screwdrivers, spanners, a pair of shifters, some electrical tape, a plug spanner, and if shit... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on July 30th, 2013 | by Boris

I know this may wound some of the sensitive, limpid-eyed souls among you, but we are not one big happy motorcycling family. We are not brothers of the handlebars, and we are not some cheery fraternity... Read More

AMCN Twisty Bits


Published on March 6th, 2013 | by Boris

Your products have allowed me to experience the full gamut of human emotion – from murderous black despair, to a joy so intense I am sure I must have sprouted extra glee-glands to deal with it... Read More

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