
Repin Cossacks

In the BIKE ME! forums you can win prizes, get invited to BIKE ME! events, and enjoy a free and frank exchange of views on a broad range of subjects. With only the occasional violent meltdown or death threat.

Motorcycles feature as prominently as you would expect in an Australian motorcycle forum.

It’s a place where men are men, women are probably men, and children are police officers. We think there’s a cattle dog that posts occasionally, too. It’s okay though, because he rides a motorcycle. And how much more Australian can you get than a cattle dog? Posting in a motorcycle forum?

So head over to the forums, register, log on, and start a thread.

If you’re new, you might be interested in our guide for new users. You’ll also probably be interested in the FAQs.

If you think you need them, the Rules of Engagement are here.

The BIKE ME! Forums. It’s the Australian motorcycle forum. And it’s the right room for an argument.

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