In an industry move that is causing raised eyebrows and knowing grins, Polaris Victory and Indian motorcycles division today announced the appointment of Peter Nochar to the position of Director Sales & Network.
Big deal?
Well, yes.
Peter Nochar spent the last five-and-a-half years as Managing Director of Harley-Davidson Australia and New Zealand.
The Press Release went on to state that:
“Nochar has had a distinguished career in the automotive industry with lead roles at prestige brands in the global market before coming to Australia in 2001 to open the Australian subsidiary of Volkswagen as Managing Director, moving into management consulting roles for a number of years before accepting the COO position at Kia Motors Australia, prior to taking the helm at Harley-Davidson Australia in 2008.”
Nochar is the second senior industry leader to join Polaris this year, with highly respected former Suzuki GM Perry Morrison taking up the mantle of Executive Director – Government Relations in April this year.
Interesting times ahead for the big American cruiser market, we reckon.