If you’ve been attentive, you’d know I have long sung the praises of Schuberth helmets. They’re special. Hand-made in Germany with a five-year guarantee and in-built comms kinda special.
But what happens when the good Germans of Schuberth decide to create helmets at a higher level?
Behold the Schuberth C4 Pro Carbon Limited Edition.

Under a certain light, you can see the next-level carbon-fibre weave. It is extraordinary.
Mine is Number 1334 of 2000.
Can you get one? If you’re lucky and quick. I understand Procycles in Sydney (Hornsby 02 9910 9500; St Peters 02 9564 8000) hasha has bought all the Limited Editions brought into the country, and may have the odd one left.

Want to feel like a number?
So what makes the Limited Edition special?
The colour scheme – the whimsical, valiant, and very desirable black sex-weave carbon-fibre kissed with gold, which is reminiscent of the old John Player Special colours.
And the number. I feel very special, so job done there.

All the special, all the time.
But if you cannot get your hands on one of these, you can certainly acquire a C4 Pro Carbon, and it’s not an acquisition you will ever regret.
There is a reason why Schuberth helmets have the reputation they do. They sit at the very top of top-shelf helmets. Find me a quieter, safer, and more comfortable helmet with in-built comms. Go on.
While you’re looking, I shall continue, OK?

May the Lord open.

May the Lord shade mine eyes from the sun.

May the Lord shield my chin from evil things.

Fully deployed for maximum thrust.

And if it’s dark, just slip the in-built sunnies back into the lid.
The C4 Pro carbon is a flip-up helmet. And I have never been much of a flip-up helmet kinda guy. I only accepted this one because it was so damn sexy it would have been sinful not to.
Flip-top lids are usually on the heavy side, right?
How’s 1460g for the Large size grab you?
And given Schuberth has its own wind-tunnel, it states its C4 range is the quietest it has ever created, ie. 85dB(A) at 100km/h, with aerodynamics you have to feel to believe.
It does not lift. It does not wobble. Hell, you can put the chin-piece up and still belt along at 100-and-a-bit without your head being torn off your neck.

It’s a fine-looking lid.
It is the first all-carbon helmet flip-up lid with a pre-installed microphone, antenna, and speakers – all of which seamlessly connect to the SC1 communication system. You will never be out of touch, or out of tunes – unless your service provider is based in Nigeria.
Inside it is…well, I don’t know if there’s a better word than luxurious. Sumptuous? Extravagant? Decadent? All of the above? Hell, yes.
The lining is seamless and grooved for glasses if you wear them. It is made from ShinyTex Okeo-Tex 100. I don’t know what that is, but I would wrap new-born babies in it. Yes, washable and yes, removable.

Plush and perfect for new-borns and your horrible head.
The inner shell of the helmet is a multi-part expanded polystyrene (EPS), which allows for a much higher energy absorption. And along with Schuberth’s Anti-Roll-Off-System, offers you an unprecedented level of safety in case of disaster. Good to know, but I ain’t ever testing that.
The C4 Pro carbon also comes standard with the top-of-the-heap Pinlock 120 anti-fog insert. And the internal flip-down sun-visor and clear outside visor are of the very highest-spec optical materials. There is no distortion, even if you’re looking through it when it’s on an angle.
There is also a multi-channel venting system to push air into your face and head if it’s warm and you don’t dare open your visor lest the bugs flay your face.
What else can I tell you?
I’ve only worn it a few times. It’s just so beautiful I mainly use it as a display item. But on special occasions I do haul it onto my head, and set forth to dazzle the ladies and cause envy in the hearts of lesser men.
Yes, I am shallow like that.
But I have a Schuberth C4 Pro Carbon Limited Edition – and I can sleep well at night.
WHAT COLOURS DOES IT COME IN? You have a choice of six graphic variants.
It comes in two different shell sizes for the perfect fit, and if you can’t find something between S (53) and XXXL (65), you’re deformed.
Schuberth helmets are not easy to come by. Lots of bike shops don’t stock them. Why? Maybe you should ask your bike shop that question. Here’s a hint. It has lots to do with long-term agreements with various importers who don’t want the competition. Never mind. You can get Schuberth helmets if you really want to. You just have to try a little harder and maybe wait a little longer. or call 02 8004-6083
The C4 Pro Carbon Limited Edition is $1300
The C4 Pro Carbon is $1200
You can also acquire a C4 Pro (non Carbon) which has many of the features the Carbon does, and they start at $999 for the plain ones and $1100 for the fancy graphics.