Dear George Dear George 13-4.2.17.jpg

Published on February 13th, 2017 | by George

“Have you seen these pictures?”

Dear Gigi,

Have you seen these pictures?

What’s going on here, Gigi?

I’ll tell you what’s going on.

Nothing, Gigi. That’s what.

You know why? Because it’s all going on in Thailand, that’s why.

Vinales doing wheelies. Vinales being worshipped by crowds.

Dear George 13-2.2.17.jpg

Rossi the Puta being adored by girls and getting cake.

Dear George 13-3.2.17.jpg

Dear George 13-4.2.17.jpg

Where’s my cake, Gig? Where are my girls?

Where are my worshipping people?

And no, you and the pit crew bowing to me in the hotel corridor is not the same thing.

You’ve dragged me to some superheated shithole that won’t let me have a parade, and while the handsome man who runs the place, Clover I think his name is, is polite, it’s just not close to what’s going on in these pictures it?

What’s in my pictures? Me at some shitty beach and me in front of some shitty white building. By myself.

Dear George 13-1.2.17

Lin Jarvis is better at this than you.



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