Dear George Dear George 12.3.17

Published on March 13th, 2017 | by George

“Dear Gigi, I am having a really good time here in the desert”

Dear Gigi,

I am having a really good time here in the desert. My new friend, Ahmed, gave me some special Bedouin vitamins.

They really worked, especially when we went clubbing after practice. The nightclubs here in the desert are really cool.

There’s not many girls, so I am not distracted and I can show off my dance moves.

Ahmed said I had a great singing voice. And he said my butter was creamy. It was good of him to notice, not like some people I won’t mention.

I got your email about the new fairing, but like I said, unless you rename it The Mamba Fist, I’m not interested.

Anyway, it’s game on soon, according to my diary. I’m thinking I just may stay here in the desert until you all come back.

I just hope I don’t run out of butter.


Dear Gigi, I am having a really good time here in the desert. My new friend, Ahmed, gave me some special Bedouin vitamins. They really worked, especially when we went clubbing after practice. The nightclubs here in the desert are really cool. There's not many girls, so I am not distracted and I can show off my dance moves. Ahmed said I had a great singing voice. And he said my butter was creamy. It was good of him to notice, not like some people I won't mention. I got your email about the new fairing, but like I said, unless you rename it The Mamba Fist, I'm not interested. Anyway, it's game on soon, according to my diary. I'm thinking I just may stay here in the desert until you all come back. I just hope I don't run out of butter. Love,George

Posted by Dear George. on Sunday, 12 March 2017

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