“Dear Gigi, I have found the puta! Jonas Fucking Folger!”
Dear Gigi,
I have found the puta!
Jonas Fucking Folger!
You cannot hide at the front of the grid from me!
Show your face, bastardo!
I will teach you fear! I am no ordinary rider. I am the Red Mamba! I am the Spartan!
I am Hammer and Butter!
Butter, conjo! BU-FUCKEN-TTER!
Gigi, have you see this? How dare he not fear me?
Does he not know who I am and what I can do?
Does he not see my spear?
There is room on the spear for his name. If I leave out the ‘Jonas’ and the ‘Fucking’.
On one side there is the name of the puta Rossi. On the other side will be his name.
Gigi, I think I will need a spear with more sides.