In 1968, the south of France bore witness to the birth of David Vincente, an artist whose work speaks to the outlaw in all of us.
David developed a passion for rock’n’roll and an abiding artistic interest in the pop culture of America, and its interpretation by artists such as Meyer, Roth and Rob Williams.

The artist at rest
In a recent interview with Artsproject, David spoke about his beginnings:
“I beginning to draw very young and I have a special interest for the American comics, like Marvel, especially GHOSTRIDER. Later, as a teenager, I beginning to listen to rock’n’roll music and especially Psychobilly. This inspired me to draw and paint T-shirt and leather jacket for friends, but again was just for the fun. I started to make professional work after I left the art school I was attending in Paris from 1989 to 1991 (ESAM or Ecole Supérieure des Arts Modernes et du Design). After graduating, I then worked as a freelance illustrator, but it was very difficult in the beginning with few clients but with a strong motivation and passion for what I do after 20 years I’m still here and happy working as an artist and illustrator.”
And what an amazing artist David is. Painting, drawing, sculpture, he’s the real deal.
More of his work can be found here.