“Check out this fabulous artwork I had commissioned”
Dear Gigi,
have you been trying to reach me? I have all these missed calls from Germany on my phone. Did you fly to Germany? I didn’t see you on Friday night.
Decent weekend, huh? I beat that yellow Rossi puta like the red-headed step-child of the woman who cleans my villa.
He’s finished! Washed up! He should go home now and stop wasting everyone’s time.
Anyway, on to more important things. Check out this fabulous artwork I had commissioned.
How good is it? It’s got everything. My six-pack, my Spartanity, my red cloak, my hammer (which is also a spear), and a heap of really cute golden butter knives! How good does my six-pack look! Seriously.
Yes, I know the shield has the Yamaha thingy on it, but we can easily change that to a Ducati thingy (do we have a thingy?), and I think it would be better, artistically, if Ducati changed its colours from red to blue.
I did mention to you that red makes me look a little washed out.
I want to get these made into portable walls so I can line my pit garage with them. I believe it would be a good move to put them in Dovi’s garage as well, and even flick a few over to the satellite teams, so they’re in no doubt who the Number One Ducati Rider is (that’s me). But also as inspiration and motivation. You know how good I am at that.
Make it happen, Gigi.
I’ll see you in that desert place, even though I don’t like the desert place. How come it’s always dark there? Is it because it’s on the other side of the planet? I always wondered.
Best regards,