Dear George Dear George 1.4.17

Published on April 1st, 2017 | by George

“The black makes me like a Ninja”

Dear Gigi,

Do I really have to wear all this black clothing until I win a race?

I don’t mind the black, just so you know.

The email you forwarded me from Matthias said his company was in mourning, but I think his English is not so good. Did someone die?

The black makes me like a Ninja.

Matthias must know my ninja powers are very real.

I wore the black to Dovi’s pit after the race and it was like I was invisible. Nobody spoke to me or even looked at me. I was able to sit very close and listen to his briefing.

It was all boring stuff about suspension settings and this thing called ‘telemetry’ which is on Dovi’s bike.

Do I have telemetry, Gigi? I don’t think so. That is maybe why I did not win in Qatar. I think we need to get some telemetry installed on my Ducati. Is there room in the magic box behind me, or is that too full of sorcery to fit in telemetry?

Do what you can for Argentina, OK? I have to win there and make a big battle. My friends tell me Carmelo is renaming the race the Gan Premio Motul de la Republica George the Spartan.

Pretty cool, huh?

And now I am the Spartan Ninja.

I will have to get my spear painted black.

Also, do you know if butter comes in black? Or is it all the same colour as that Rossi puta?



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