Quick & Dirty

Published on March 15th, 2020 | by Boris



I review lots of stuff. But each time I review a pair of Held gloves, I find myself wondering how that review will be received.

“There he goes again,” people sigh. “Banging on about these gloves like they’re the best thing in the world.”

And they’re right. I am banging on about them again. They are the best thing in the world.

And that’s why I’m banging on about them again.

Here they are being Rocketed.

No-one makes better gloves than Held.

You will recall I first loved it’s gloves when I was given a pair of Air’n’Drys. You can read that review HERE.

This is the latest iteration and a development of Held’s popular short glove, the Sambia.

This is the Sambia II and it’s a gauntlet with Held’s brilliant two-chamber thing going on, and is specifically designed for the Adventure or dual-sports rider – which actually means anyone who rides any bike anywhere, can and probably should wear them.

Quality in every stitch.

It’s a good-looking unit.

So in the bottom chamber, you get a lightweight, perforated all-kangaroo palm, with leather and Nyspan (some kinda hi-tech and very strong fabric) outer.

And then there’s the upper chamber, which is all GORE-TEX membrane for warmth and water resistance.

It’s quite clever this two-gloves-in-one caper. And it’s ideal in changeable weather.

Here they are on tour with BMW.

I recently did some 2000km in them, which included eight hours of pouring rain for the Tumby TT, and some brisk morning rides in the Victorian high country on the Rocket 3 launch.

If it’s a nice day, you slip your hands in the bottom chamber and it’s like a race-glove. All feel and air. Gets a bit cooler? Just slip your hand out of the bottom chamber and into the warmer top chamber. Away you go. No swapping gloves anymore. One glove to rule them all, hobbits.

You can see the two chambers here.

What a time to be alive.

But there’s more.

Any Held product that has GORE-TEX in it has a five-year guarantee. The craftsmanship is outstanding and this is a quality glove which will last you for years.

The lining does not follow your hand out when everything gets wet, the gloves remain warm even when the rain does finally soak through. In my case it took about four hours of monsoon-level water for that to happen – but even then my hands stayed reasonably warm thanks to the GORE-TEX.

The Sambia also ticks the knuckle-protection box, the cut-to-the-shape-of-the-hand box, and the we-probably-have-a-size-to-fit-you box.

Held offers its gloves in a big range of sizes, from size 7 to 14, so S/M/L/Xl/2XL/3XL and even 4XL if you have hands that can strangle a rhino.

They are brilliant. They work, they fit, and they look pretty cool. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

HOW MUCH? $285

WHAT COLOURS DO THEY COME IN? You can have them in black, or in the grey-and-black as you see here.

WHERE CAN I GET THEM FROM? Held Australia is now part of the same importer that imports Schuberth and Daytona. It’s called Made In Germany and any queries should be directed to sales@mig.bike.

Or you can phone them on 1300 916916 or 02 8004 6083.


A few bike shops distribute Held gear, like Procycles in Sydney, Brisan’s in Newcastle, and Andy Strapz in Melbourne. But there’s nothing wrong with ordering them online either. It’s how the world works these days.


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About the Author

is a writer who has contributed to many magazines and websites over the years, edited a couple of those things as well, and written a few books. But his most important contribution is pissing people off. He feels this is his calling in life and something he takes seriously. He also enjoys whiskey, whisky and the way girls dance on tables. And riding motorcycles. He's pretty keen on that, too.

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