Mt Panorama in Bathurst still boasts one of the most spectacular, dangerous, demanding and breath-taking racetracks on the planet.
That no-one races bikes there anymore is a shame. But we live in a world now circumscribed by safety for safety’s sake.
For decades, it was the place where the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix was held, and it is as special to car-heads as it is to bike nuts.
So let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

The legendary Andrew Johnson and his son Shannon.

Murray Sayle leading eventual winner, Clive Knight.

Graeme Crosby, Ron Boulden and John Woodley coming up the Mountain.

Blue and green should never be seen, unless it’s this combo.

Mr Pretty chasing Mr Phillis

Not a fairing, or a poofter among them.

That’d be Kel Carruthers.

Been going on a while, huh?

This was Yamaha’s interpretation of hate.

It’s very hatey, huh?

The immortal Brian Hindle.

Yes, that is a race-prepped 900 Ducati. Seriously.

“We did not die.”
“Big success.”

Le Mans? Fuck Le Mans! Le Bathurst!

No time for altitude sickness.

Legends, each and every one of them.

And then the police bought them.

Hate would make anything wheelie off the rise at Conrod.

Look closely.

Before they sealed it.

Off the main straight and up the hill. Note the dinosaurs in the background.

Knee sliders? No-one got time fo dat!

Ladies, please pile your panties neatly over there.

Where there’s a Willing, there’s a way.