The outlaw has been around since the dawn of man.
He has been the defiant voice within us all.
His was the voice of rebellion. His was the voice of social non-conformity. His was the voice of passion. And his was the voice of freedom.
All of us have heard the voice. But very few of us have answered its call.
Those who have heeded that voice are a unique breed. They are content to live by their own rules as much as they are able. On the fringes of a society that cannot understand them and will never accept them. A society which prefers to recoil in horror or sneer in condescension. A society that chooses not to hear the voice that is in us all.
But that voice, that outlaw, is in all of us. He is as much a part of our human character as is the poet and the philosopher.
Ever increasingly, society seeks and strives to bury him under its rules and laws and statutes.
And for the most part, it succeeds. For the vast majority of people, the outlaw stays buried.
But for those few who heed the call from within; those few who address that atavistic human need for simple, unfettered and unconditional freedom…well, for those people, the outlaw is alive and well.
And he will never be outlawed.
He can’t be.