Published on June 15th, 2014 | by Boris
We are pleased to have secured the occasional services of none other than Mark Abram, after whom the famed US military’s main battle tank was named.
After making many oohing noises over Mark’s work, we contacted him and asked if we could maybe showcase some of his images. We offered to pay him in hookers and blow, our standard remuneration offer for pretty much everyone. We figure if that kinda stuff works for management, there’s no reason why it would not work for staff and contributors.
Mark is currently considering our offer, but has sent in some of his superb images for us all to touch ourselves over…
What? You don’t touch yourself to bike and bike-race porn? You need counseling.
Anyway, over the next three days, we shall be premiering a galeria (that’s fancy wog-talk for ‘gallery’) of Mark’s efforts from the recent Island Classic at Phillip Island as well as shots from a few other events. You’ll notice that they look nothing at all like your crappy iPhone images. And that’s why we’re not offering you hookers and blow…