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Published on August 2nd, 2016 | by Ghost Writer


BIKE ME! Theatre Presents…Jumping a H-D

Lee Stuart is a stunt man. Like any decent stunt man (or woman) he likes to jump, pull wheelies and push the boundaries of what manufacturers think their motorcycles can do.

Sure, he may be from Canada but after seeing what he does on his Harley-Davidson Dyna the Americans might give him his Green Card – they could quite easily shoot him too.

Jumping motorcycles that are not designed to jump, seems to very popular in the stunt world.

Well done Lee, well done. Feel free to drop us a line and BIKE ME! will send you a t-shirt to wear as you do your next stunt.

Click here for more videos of Lee’s shenanigans.


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About the Author

Born from an egg on a mountain top, he is a small chap with a big punch. He has been riding motorcycles since he stole his old man's DT175 at the age of 11 to ride up and down the street while he was at work. He has owned and ridden lots of motorcycles, including Harley-Davidsons,Triumphs, Yamahas and KTMs. In his spare time he takes his son out riding on the MX track, restores an old Ducati and sells BIKE ME! merchandise.

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