Quick & Dirty

Published on August 7th, 2013 | by Boris


There are times when money is no object when it comes to feeding your motocycle lunacy.

You will hold up servos, sell organs and traffic slaves.

But you will have what you want because you want it that bad.

When one swingarm is not enough, Vyrus provides two

When one swingarm is not enough, Vyrus provides two

Did you know that you can see the oil circulating in the motor via a perspex viewing screen? How is that not a Must Have?

Did you know that you can see the oil circulating in the motor via a perspex viewing screen? How is that not a Must Have?

Because Get Fucked, that's why.

Because Get Fucked, that’s why.

Tryton - because the future is here now and up in your shit.

Tryton – because the future is here now and up in your shit.

Just in case the black one was insufficient to your needs

When you have too much money, this is a good place to lessen the burden

When you have too much money, this is a good place to lessen the burden

Italy will gladly accept your Australian dollars

Italy will gladly accept your Australian dollars

England could also do with a bit of a fiscal boost from the Colonies.

England could also do with a bit of a fiscal boost from the Colonies.

Of course, you could always shop locally.

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About the Author

is a writer who has contributed to many magazines and websites over the years, edited a couple of those things as well, and written a few books. But his most important contribution is pissing people off. He feels this is his calling in life and something he takes seriously. He also enjoys whiskey, whisky and the way girls dance on tables. And riding motorcycles. He's pretty keen on that, too.

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