The good people at Grinfactor sent me a Kevlar hoodie a while back. You might have seen Grinfactor around the motorcycle traps. The witticisms on its T-shirts always put a smile on my face, hence, I assume, the name.
Anyway, David Wellings, who runs the business, felt I would benefit from one of his new Roadskin Kevlar hoodies, a water-resistant one, no less.
I was intrigued.

I will understand if the ladies need some private time.
I was even more intrigued when it arrived. And impressed. This was clearly a quality product. The big YKK zipper looked like it came off a wet suit, the cotton outer was thicker than a Young Liberal, the sleeve cuffs even more so. The Kevlar is 320gsm, which is top-shelf, and softer than a girl’s freshly waxed thigh. It even came with CE-approved armour for my elbows and spine, and one of the outer pockets has a zipper which is just a stroke of genius.
It was the middle of winter, and I started wearing it under my leather jacket for added warmth. It worked a treat.
Yes, it is “water-resistant”, up to a point. The French army was Germany-resistant up to a point too. It put up a brief and valiant effort for a few days, then surrendered. Water is water, and water being force-fed by the wind into a cotton jacket is gonna get through. But you can get a few kays in a light shower, so yeah, it is water-resistant.

This is after more than two washes. The integrity of this garment is superb.

I dialled up the flash so you could see details on the hoodie. Black is a difficult thing to shoot. Once again, this is after at least ten washes. It’s still black. Everything still works and nothing is fraying or perishing.
I have had the hoodie now for about three months and it has been washed at least 10 times. It shows no sign of degeneration at all. It fits the same now as it did when I bought it. The Kevlar is not fraying or perishing like Kevlar used to do when it was first being used for bike gear.
Now then, as to its efficacy as passive safety gear.
I do not know. I have not crashed in it. I don’t plan to crash in it either.
“But Kevlar!” you scream.
Yes, Kevlar. Beaut stuff. Not crashing is beauter.
Here’s how it works in my mind…
You wear what you want when you ride. I don’t give a shit. I’m not an All The Gear All The Time weirdo. I ride around in a T-shirt when I’m so inclined.
But if and when you go down, know this:
There is nothing better than leather for abrasion-resistance.
All the gear in the world will not save you from crush or impact injuries.
Those two things are stone-cold truths.
Is wearing a Kevlar-lined hoodie better than wearing a non-Kevlar lined hoodie?
Sure. It’s a no brainer. Of course it is.
Yes, when you slide down the road in your Kevlar-lined gear, it heats up and people have been known to get mild burns. These mild burns are better than gravel rash. Trust me on this.
Is the Roadskin hoodie better than other Kevlar hoodies?
I reckon so. I’ve seen a few of these new-age Kevlar bike garments, and the Roadskin hoodie is an outstanding example of its kind. It is certainly a quality product. No doubt about it.
Roadskin claims it is the best on the market and it is not lying.
What size should I buy?
Good question. Buy one that fits you snugly. The less your garment moves around your spasming body when you’re sliding down the road, the happier you’ll be when you come to a stop. Having a loose-fitting Kevlar hoodie that rides up your arms or belly when you’re sliding through an intersection is counterproductive.
You may look at me modeling the Roadskin hoodie below and eating a small dog.