
Published on July 28th, 2022 | by Boris



“You’ve got to try these,” Ray said the last time I visited him. He was waving a set of black short gloves at me.


“They look a bit thin. I’m riding to Warren. It’s the middle of winter. I may be less than impressed.”


“You write what you need to write, but you need to try these. It’s that GORE-skin technology I was telling you about.”


“When they’ve bonded the GORE-TEX to the leather using witchcraft and astrology?”


“That would be it.”


So he handed me a flashy pair of Score KTC short gloves, which were unlike any short gloves I have yet worn. And I like short gloves, so I wear them a lot.

These had a knitted expandable cuff, which made them a bit fiddly to get on the first few times, but they slip on and off just fine now. The knitted cuff stops cold air getting into the glove from the back, so that puts them head-and-shoulders above any other short glove I have – which are all nothing but cut-down gauntlets.


And since I tend to wear my jacket sleeves over my gloves, these are perfect.


To be honest, I had my doubts. The ambient air-temperature didn’t get much out of the low single digits for the whole trip and it rained pretty heavily. I thought I would struggle.


I didn’t. The Score KTCs were amazing. Primarily because they are not at all a bulky winter glove, but retain a good degree of warmth thanks to the GORE-TEX membrane – and also thanks to the GORE-TEX which has been integrated into the actual glove material, hence GOREskin. So they’re pretty good at keeping you dry as well. They feel like a summer glove, but work like a much warmer glove.


No, they are not a substitute for a genuine winter glove, but if it’s not freezing, then you don’t really need those do you?


There’s stretch-fabric on a section of the back of your hand, the rest is all leather with a goatskin palm. They are also step-seamed to reduce any pressure on your inner hand, and offer great feel, which is a big deal for lots of riders.


You also get a visor wiper, leather-covered hard-plastic knuckle armour, and the ball of your thumb is re-inforced with SuperFabric and underlaid with Armaprotec.


I’m thinking they may be way too warm in summer, but for the rest of the year they’re spot on.


The Score KTCs are a high-quality bit of kit, which is exactly what I expect each time I put on a pair of Held gloves. And how can you go wrong with the only five-year guarantee in the glove market?


They look, good, they fit superbly well, and you should see if I’m fibbing and check them out. Then you can call me names if I’m wrong. But I’m not.


HOW MUCH? $230


Click on the link below…

About the Author

is a writer who has contributed to many magazines and websites over the years, edited a couple of those things as well, and written a few books. But his most important contribution is pissing people off. He feels this is his calling in life and something he takes seriously. He also enjoys whiskey, whisky and the way girls dance on tables. And riding motorcycles. He's pretty keen on that, too.

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